Kiyoko Naeuri


SERVER: Mateus
RACE: Au Ra (Raen)
AGE: 23
GENDER: Female (she/her)
SEXUALITY: Same sex (any race)
RELIGION: Kami (+ belief in Azim/Nhaama)
EDUCATION: Lunar Rose Adventure Academy
MAJOR: Arcanima
MINOR: History, with a concentration in the Third Umbral & Astral Era.
PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT: Collector’s Organization of Magitechnical and Esoteric Treasures (COMET)
JOB TITLE: Seeker of Magicks and Archaeology
HEIGHT: 4'9"
BUILD: Very slim, bordering on frail.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Devoid of all pigment in her skin & hair; blind in her right eye.

♡ biography ♡

Kiyoko was the only child born into a lower-class family of botanists and common seed sellers. When she was born, her parents were deeply concerned that their daughter had an unusual lack of pigment in her skin and hair, looked to be half-blind, and was terribly frail. She did not look as though she would survive the coming winter, and Kiyoko's father believed they should just allow the wilderness to have her, as it would be a mercy.However, after Kiyoko's aunt took one look at the baby, she jubilantly declared that Kiyoko had clearly been touched by Azim, for only he would create something bathed in so much light that it chased away any trace of color. Kiyoko's father scoffed at the idea, but her mother, in her desperate desire to see one of her children survive after struggling for years with infertility, held onto the belief that her daughter was a gift from the Dawn Father, and named her Kiyoko, which meant "pure child" in their ancient tongue.Despite the odds, Kiyoko did survive, which only exacerbated the belief her mother and aunt had that she had been touched by divinity. The problem was, growing up, Kiyoko felt anything but divine. She had trouble learning to walk because she was so frail, and her one blind eye did not seem as though it allowed her to 'see' things that others could not, despite what her aunt proclaimed. Kiyoko grew up feeling like a fraud, yet because she found she had a desperate desire to feel as though there was a 'reason' she was so different, Kiyoko tried to force herself into the same beliefs her mother and aunt had. Deep down though, all it accomplished was sprouting seeds of bitterness and resentment, as time and time again she failed to be the person she was proclaimed to be.Eventually, Kiyoko’s father could not handle his wife’s emotional instability, and found it abhorrent that she would put this kind of unreasonable pressure on a little girl. He decided to leave his wife and tried to take Kiyoko with him, but it was her Aunt who ended up fighting tooth and nail to allow her sister to keep Kiyoko, and after they had managed to turn the whole village against him with slanderous lies, Kiyoko’s father was forced to leave his daughter behind in a household that expected far too much of her.As she grew older, Kiyoko's aunt was convinced that she would become a great healer, but it seemed the kami did not deem her worthy enough to grant her the aether that she required in order to do so. Kiyoko was deeply ashamed by this, yet instead of simply giving up, was determined to find another way. She began studying aether and magics in secret under the immense pressure that if she did not succeed, then she would bring great shame upon her family. In time, she was able to learn how to mend small wounds with the help of arcane geometries, yet she pretended as though her gifts were blossoming naturally when her family took notice.Kiyoko could not bear the thought of not becoming the woman her mother and aunt deeply believed her to be, and so she eventually she set off to Eorzea to further her education, hoping that she would learn enough about Arcanima in order to fake being the "divine child" her family had always expected her to become. She enrolled in Lunar Rose Adventure Academy and spent the majority of her time researching and growing her magical abilities, while firmly neglecting the social aspect of attending a university. She managed to gain only one singular friend while she was there, and still has yet to experience a romantic or sexual relationship. She is unbothered by this, however, as her education has always been her primary focus.During her studies at the academy, Kiyoko found that she had the ability to manipulate aether in ways other than merely summoning carbuncles; namely, that she could make weapons of pure arcane. As she wasn't much of a fighter at the time it was more of a party trick than anything else, and when she began street dancing for pocket money whilst in school, it was the only thing that really encouraged tips, considering as a dancer she wasn't... the most graceful or fluid. Kiyoko was very precise with her movements but they were almost TOO precise, and it made everything come off as mechanical.During her time at the academy, Kiyoko also acquired a strong interest in history, specifically the Third Umbral & Astral Eras - so much that she chose the specialization as a minor. Kiyoko was beginning to feel accomplished with all she had learned, but it still wasn’t enough. After she found herself growing fascinated with niche magic types, soul crystals, and all other sorts of magical artifacts (particularly of Allagan make), she began studying artifact lore and preservation, and ultimately decided to further her research by joining the Collector’s Organization of Magitechnical and Esoteric Treasures as a Seeker of Magicks and Archaeology. Although Kiyoko did not have much experience in the field, she hoped her knowledge and magical abilities could help others uncover the lost secrets of ancient magicks and artifacts, along with anything else they may find.

♡ traits ♡

Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful

♡ about the roleplayer ♡

30+ F who unfortunately doesn't have endless time to RP anymore, due to having a small child. Lately my kid's been sleeping fairly well though (knocks on wood), so I've been able to have from about 8:30pm-11:00pm EST uninterrupted, but I can't guarantee that'll happen every night. So first and foremost if you want to RP with me, please understand that I may have very limited time or could have to go at the drop of a hat, and for that I apologize!Other than that, I am an experienced RPer (and fic writer) of 20+ years. I've dabbled with RPing in WoW, both serious and... well, Goldshire. lol. Anyway, I am not overly familiar with FFXIV lore but I have been trying to make an effort to learn more!

  • Mirror RP. Whether you're a one-liner or do multi-para, I can match your style.

  • MRP18+. So long as the scene calls for it, I am willing to (and experienced with) RPing adult scenes.

  • Romance scenes limited to female-presenting toons. I'm not picky about whether they are cis or trans.

  • Roleplay =/= Real Life. It sucks that I even have to say this, but some people get weird. I am happily married in my real life and have no interest in pursuing anything OOC, except friendship of course :)

  • Only available when RP status is on. This probably goes without saying, but you know lol.